Everything is Better When There’s Financial Peace of Mind

Are you stressed about money? I get it. I’m a mother of 7 who knows first-hand how frustrating finances can be. Let me show you how you can earn more money no matter what your field of work may be, and enjoy MORE quality time with your loved ones.

Ready for a change?

Would you like to get on top of those bills? Enjoy more time with the kids? How would “prosperity” look for you? Would you like to go someplace fun and create a wealth of family-bonding memories? Bring mother home from work? Retire? Anything you want can be yours… the Universe is abundant and God is able to provide all you need for your complete mental, physical, and spiritual unfolding. Find out how living by the laws of thought works in harmony with your belief in God. I call it living by “Rare Faith” – the kind of faith that causes things to happen – without violating any of your core beliefs or values.

Request your copy of the “19 Rules of Prosperity” today and you’ll also receive:

Bonus: Lifelong Support to Help You Succeed

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Take the first step… identify and test the laws for yourself. (I challenge you to apply theses principles and NOT enjoy more financial peace of mind!)

Receive the 19 Rules of Prosperity Guide ($9.95 value – yours FREE) by using this form:

Disclaimer: I myself am NOT perfect at living the laws, as my subscribers know. (Oh, goodness, how they know.) I still have setbacks and days when I just “don’t feel like thinking right” – and I share those stories, too! But I’ve learned that you don’t have to be perfect to experience significant improvement. So even though you and I are human and maybe even sometimes unreliable, the laws themselves are constant and perfect. This gives me tremendous peace of mind. I hope you’ll join me as we continue to learn, share, and practice the principles together!


Leslie with Emmy Award winning host, Tracy Kornet on ABC

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by learning these 19 Rules that I am eager to share with you. We’ve lived in poverty and we’ve faced bankruptcy. But everything began to shift when we started consciously applying the principles.

I used the principles to become a 3-time award winning bestseller, and I’ve generated over a million dollars from home (doing something I love) – but don’t worry, most people get ALL they need through my free information, and only come back for paid help once they realize it works and trust me to help them take their success to a higher level.

My husband also applied the principles to triple his income in three months (in an industry where we thought he was capped out). We’ve had tens of thousands of people request our information and subscribe to my newsletter since 2002. But don’t worry, it’s easy to unsubscribe if you ever change your mind. I look forward to helping you achieve peace of mind in any economy!

“Using these principles we were able to double our income… Now 8 years later, we have more than doubled that income again… During these past 8 years there have been peaks and valleys – and a few times when we thought we might be facing some pretty big setbacks, but these principles have helped us put our faith and trust in God and keep moving forward. More important than financial prosperity is the peace of mind knowing that everything (even financial setbacks) will always work out for our highest good!” – Alisa Hancock, TX